Tuesday, 29 March 2011

10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!

Long ago, internet was just about checking your email or looking up news in real-time. This all changed after YouTube. Videos were watched more on the computer via internet instead of the television. I am no exception and do occasionally spend a lot of time on YouTube. I also like Chrome as a browser of my choice. So I decided to share 10 greatChrome extensions for someone who spends a lot of time on YouTube.

#1. Turn off the Light

YouTube extension Turn off lights thumb1 [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
Turn Off the Lights is a neat extension that, when used makes everything around the video go dark. If your computer screen is large then this extension is very handy. It is supposed to replicate how it is to watching a movie in a cinema hall.

#2. Auto HD for YouTube

YouTube extension Auto HD thumb1 [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
Auto HD is a Chrome extension that always plays YouTube videos in HD. This can usually be set to 720p while the secondary quality can be set as default. So if you are bored with turning on the HD for all the videos you play and want it done automatically, get this extension.

#3. Fast YouTube Search

YouTube extension Fast search thumb1 [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
Lets say you have the urge to look up a video or search of one while looking up other sites. Fast YouTube Search extension allows you to search for videos without opening a new tab. This can be quite handy to search for videos on the fly and include them in an email.

#4. Cooliris

YouTube extension cooliris thumb1 [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
Cooliris is a popular extension for looking up images and videos online. We can search for YouTube videos on Cooliris and the best part is, they are presented in a 3D layout.

#5. Auto Replay

YouTube extension replay thumb1 [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
Let’s say you love watching a short video over and over again. Install the Auto Replay extension and an auto replay option shows up while you watch videos on YouTube (see image above). This is a must have for a song you want to play over and over again.

#6. Music Video Lyrics

YouTube extension Music Lyrics thumb1 [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
Now for all those people who watch music videos on YouTube, get Music Video Lyrics on Chrome. As you can see in the image above, while watching a song you can click on the lyrics button near the address bar and get the lyrics.

#7. No YouTube Comments

YouTube extension nocomments thumb1 [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
Sometimes it is better to ignore all those comments. Many comments on YouTube can be slanderous or in bad taste. Use No YouTube Comments extension on Chrome. This makes sure that when a video is played from YouTube, none of the comments show up.

#8. Smart Video for YouTube

YouTube extension Smart Buffer thumb [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
I am sure a slower connection can be quite frustrating when it comes to watching YouTube videos. An easy solution is to use Smart Buffer which makes sure the video is stream in one go and buffering is done in a more controlled method.

#9. YouTube Feed

YouTube extension feeds thumb [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
If you have an active YouTube account, then chances are you do subscribe to a few YouTubechannels. YouTube Feed shows with a simple click all new videos uploaded by the accounts you are following on YouTube.

#10. Stop Auto-Play

YouTube extension no auto thumb [List] 10 Best Chrome Extensions for YouTube Junkies!
With Stop Autoplay extension, the video on YouTube does not start to play automatically. This is useful when you are multi-tasking.


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