Monday, 7 February 2011

How to Hack ur friends mobile by making a duplicate sim

let's talk about the fun stuff. The first trick I will discuss is an activity that is becoming quite prevalant, SIM cloning. If you have paid attention to any cell phone related tutorials in the past, then you may remember cloning being made popular by certain public figures like Kevin Mitnick in order to place calls on the bill of another subscriber. Well, even with GSM this trick still holds relevant. How could such a flaw exist in a system that is obviously concentrated on preventing such fraudulant use? The flaw is within the COMP128 authentication algorithm used as an instantiation of A3/A8 widely used by gsm providers. Unfortunately for these providers, the COMP128 algorithm is just not strong enough to prevent fraud. We attack the algorithm by using a chosen-challenge attack, which works by forming a number of specially-chosen challenges and querying the SIM card for each one. Then by analyzing the responses from these queries, we are able to determine the value of the secret key that is used for authentication. So how do we perform this attack?

Well there are a few things you need before you start. First you will need to buy a SIM card reader, a card programmer, empty silver pic 2 card, and an unregulated adapter, and if you don't have one a 9 pin male to female extension cable. You can probably put a bid on ebay for most of this hardware, or just google up some sites that sell them. You will also need some software for this trick. First you will need a SIM card editor. An excellent piece of software to use in this instance is Cardinal Sim Editor, which you can find (including the crack for it) at the below link...

Another tool you will is CardMaster, which once again you can find at the below link...

Finally what you will need is a SIM card emulator. An excellent example of an emulator to use is SIMEMU, which you can find at the below link...

Note for those of you who feel the need to read the instructions on the site, just go to translate the web page from Spanish to English. Now let's go ahead and get started shall we. You will first want to plug your SIM Reader into your com port. Then run Cardinal and then click where it says "Click Here" and then click Settings. You will then select your com/serial port and the baud rate. Then you will close this out, and then left click where it says "Click Here", go to smartcard, and click SIM editor. The program will from there start up, and you will go to SIM, then SIM Info, and click the load button. After doing this you will see the IMSI code, take note of this code as you will need it. Now close the SIM Info and go to Security/Find key KI. When this window opens just click Start and wait. It will take approximately 4 hours to find the key. Once it is found take note of this KI and exit. Now you should have the IMSI and KI noted, if so lets continue with the next step. Now take your silver card. Within the unzipped file within you will find two files. SEE50s.hex (EEPROM) and SEF50sEN.hex (PIC). Now connect your programmer to a com port and go to the setup menu on your CardMaster program and choose the appropriate com port. You should then see a yellow rectangle at the bottom of the program that says that there is no card. Now insert your smartcard into the programmer, and the rectangle should change to green and you will see "Card ready". Now go to where it says "Card type:" and select "Silvercard". NOw go to the "File to Pic:" field and upload SEF50sEN.hex, then go to the "File to Eeprom:" field and upload SEE50s.hex. Now go to Edit and click "Auto Program". Now once this is finished you will need to cut the card so that it will fit into the phone. Instructions for how the card needs to be cut is provided on the GSM solutions web site that will be listed in the Sites to Visit section at the bottom of this page. Now insert the newly cut silvercard into the phone. If it asks for
. If it asks for a pin just punch in 111. Then from the main menu open up "Sim-Emu". Now from this menu go to Set Phone #, then -GSM #1 (or any slot), then Configure, then Edit #. Now edit GSM #X to any name, and then press ok. Now go to Config.Pos. and it will ask for PIN2, which will be 1234. It will then ask you what position you want the card to be, choose Position 1. It will then ask you for the IMSI, which you will punch in the IMSI you got from Cardinal. It will then ask you for the KI, which again you punch in the KI you got from Cardinal. It will then ask you to enter your PUK which can be anything up to 8 digits. Then it will ask you to enter your PIN which can be anything up to 4 digits. There you go, now you have cloned another SIM card, and are now free to call away all you want to on someone elses bill. There have also been rumors that on certain services there are ways to clone a SIM remotely, but none have been tested so this can't be proven. So now that we're finished talking about SIM cloning, let's get into another trick involving exploiting gsm phones, bluejacking. What is bluejacking you ask? Bluejacking is exploiting the BlueTooth wireless communication system common among PDAs, cell phones, and of course laptops. In essense this is nothing more than a harmless little prank, similar to defacing web sites. For bluejacking gsm phones what we are trying to do is first create a phonebook contact that says something like "haha I haxor3d j00r ph0n3!", and then send it to any bluetooth enabled device in the facinity. This in essense amounts up to at most a harmless little prank, but it's fun to watch their faces when they get the message. However, I won't bother explaining the details of how to bluejack, since the methods are models and manufacturer dependant, and are explained on a site that will be listed at the bottom of this tutorial. Don't believe that the possibilities for exploiting bluetooth enabled gsm phones ends there though. Another activity that we can jump onto is called bluebugging.

Bluebugging is the process of sniffing out communication from a bluetooth-enabled cell phone. Like, for example, sms messages. Yup, now you can sit in a coffee shop, open up your laptop, and spy on everyone else who is using their phone. This concept was first introduced to the world in a presentation at DefCon 11, and is now available to the public in the form of a tool called BlueSniff that works as a bluetooth wardriving utility to play big brother. Go to the below address to get a copy of this tool...

Another nice tool to use for such means is btscanner, which can be used to gather as much information as possible on a bluetooth-enabled device. Yet again, this wonderful tool can be found at the below address...

(Warning do it ur known risk)

Motorola Secret Codes

Code to lock keys. Press together *7
Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears.
Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name):
[] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 []
Add phonebook to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 []
Add messages to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 7 [] 1 []
Copy SIM memory (phonebook menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 8 [] 1 []
Eng Field options (main menu):
[] [] [] 1 1 3 [] 1 []
Slow (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 1 [] 1 []
Medium (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 2 [] 1 []
Fast (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 3 [] 1 []
Enable EFR:
[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 []
Function :
[] [] [] # # # [] 1 []
Change pin:
[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 []
Unblocking using the "puk" number:
[] [] [] 0 0 5 [] 1 []
There are lots of similar codes exist. If you change the last number to 0 you can deactive that code. The 3 digit number at the middle are from 0 to 999. I put the most interesting codes. (EFR):Enhanced Full Rate Codec.
You can change GSM frequencies to 900/1800 by entering the enginnering model. Following the below steps:
enter menu and press 048263* quickly, then you will enter the secret engineering menu
under "Opcode"
input 10*0*3 for GSM 900
10*0*4 for GSM 1800
10*0*5 for GSM 1900
10*0*6 for dual band GSM 900/1800
10*0*7 for dual band GSM 850/1900
To add extra message space 4 your Motorola C350 C450 C550 or C650, press menu button, press 048263* quickly, then on the popup menu enter 47 press 50 and 1 64 1 186 and ok.You will receive an extra 50 msgs memory space.Switch phone off and back on.(not tested) from

Mobile Cheat स्तुफ्फ NOKIA

1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger.

Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, key is "*3370#"

Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument will show a 50% incerase in battery.

This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell next time.

*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)-Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)

*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound
but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec

2 *#0000# Displays your phones software version,

1st Line :S oftware Version,
2nd Line : Software Release Date,
3rd Line : Compression Type
3 *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work

4 *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

5 #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

6 #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

7 #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

8 #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

9 *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)

10 *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted To

11 *#2640# Displays security code in use

12 *#30# Lets you see the private number

13 *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

14 *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to

15 *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unrea chable(no service)" calls are diverted to

16 *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to

17 *#67705646#R emoves operator logo on 3310 & 3330

18 *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores

19 *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it
means you will get the best standby time possible

20 *#7760# Manufactures code

21 *#7780# Restore factory settings

22 *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110

23 *#92702689# (to rember *#WAR0ANTY#)

Displays -
1.Serial Number,
2.Date Made
3.Purchase Date,
4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs),
5.Transfer User Data.
To exit this mode -you need to switch your phone off then on again

24 *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem

25 **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered

26 **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered

27 **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered

Each command is prefixed with either one or two * or # characters as follows:
** Register and Activate
* Activate
## De-Register (and Deactivate)
# Deactivate
*# Check Status
© Call button

Once each command has been entered, if it is a network command (as opposed to a local handset command) it must be transmitted to the network by pressing the YES (receiver) key which acts as an enter key - this is represented here with the © character. Always enter numbers in full international format +CountryAreaNumber ( e.g. +447712345678).

Command Description Command String
Change call barring code **03*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©
Change call barring code **03*330*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©
Change PIN code **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#©
Change PIN2 code **042*OldPIN2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©
Unlock PIN code (when PIN is entered wrong 3 times) **05*PUK*NewPIN*NewPIN#©
Unlock PIN2 code (when PIN2 is entered wrong 3 times) **052*PUK2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©
Display IMEI *#06#
Call Forwarding (Diversions)
De-register all call diversions ##002#©
Set all configured call diversions to number and activate **004*number#©
De-register all configured call diversions (no answer, not reachable, busy) ##004#©
Unconditionally divert all calls to number and activate **21*number#©
Activate unconditionally divert all calls *21#©
De-register unconditionally divert all calls ##21#©
Deactivate unconditionally divert all calls #21#©
Check status of unconditionally divert all calls *#21#©
Divert on no answer to number and activate **61*number#©
Activate divert on no answer *61#©
De-register divert on no answer ##61#©
Deactivate divert on no answer #61#©
Check status of divert on no answer *#61#©
Divert on not reachable to number and activate **62*number#©
Activate divert on not reachable *62#©
De-register divert on not reachable ##62#©
Deactivate divert on not reachable #62#©
Check status of divert on not reachable *#62#©
Divert on busy to number and activate /td> **67*number#©<
Activate divert on busy *67#©
De-register divert on busy ##67#©
Deactivate divert on busy #67#©
Check status of divert on busy *#67#©
Change number of seconds of ringing for the given service before diverting a call (such as on no answer). Seconds must be a value from 5 to 30. De-registering the same divert will also delete this change! **service*number**seconds#© (Service numbers, see below)
Call barring
Activate barr all outgoing calls (see Security to set code) **33*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #33*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#33#©
Activate barr all calls **330*code#©
Deactivate barr all calls #330*code#©
Check status of barr all calls /td> *#330*code#©<
Activate barr all outgoing international calls **331*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls #331*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing international calls *#331#©
Activate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country **332*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country #332*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing international calls except to home country *#332#©
Activate barr all outgoing calls **333*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #333*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#333#©
Activate barr all incoming calls **35*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls #35*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls *#35#©
Activate barr all incoming calls when roaming **351*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls when roaming #351*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls when roaming *#351#©
Activate barr all incoming calls **353*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls #353*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls *#353#©
Call waiting
Activate call waiting *43*#©
Deactivate call waiting #43##©
Check status of call waiting *#43#©
Calling Line Identification
The following only works if CLIP and CLIR are enabled (ask your service provider)
CLIP: Presentation of the number of the incoming call
Activate CLIP **30#©
Deactivate CLIP ##30#©
Check status of CLIP *#30#©
CLIR: Presentation of one's own number to the to the called party
Activate CLIR **31#©
Activate CLIR for the actual call *31#number©
Deactivate CLIR ##31#©
Deactivate CLIR for the actual call #31#number©
Check status of CLIR *#31#©
COLP: Presentation of the actual number reached (if number called was diverted to another number
Activate COLP *76#©
Deactivate COLP #76#©
Check status of COLP *#76#©
COLR: Presentation of the original number called by the calling party (if the call was diverted to this cellphone)
Activate COLR *77#©
Deactivate COLR #77#©
Check status of COLR *#77#©

Reliance Hack For free SMS

For this tricks, you need an Exp Sim of Reliance.


1>Service centre No:- +919863002222
2>Validity period:- Maximum
3>Message type:- Text
4>Reply path:- Off
5>Delivery report:- Off

Note:- Your balance Must be Zero......


SIM CARD DATA RECOVER SOFTWARESim Card Data Recovery Software recovers your mobile phone sim card accidentally deleted text SMS messages। Data Doctor Sim Card Recovery Software is read only and non-destructive utility restore all lost message। Utility retrieve all deleted contact numbers (phone numbers), unreadable messages, corrupt phone book directory। With this tool you can undelete both viewed and unread inbox text SMSes, outbox messages and draft save favorite text messages sent items that have been deleted from sim card memory।It provides full backup of your cell phone’s erased sim memory. For recovery, you need a phoenix type USB sim card reader or PC/SC Standards based sim card Reader and a PC having Microsoft windows operating system. Sim card reader scans simcard deeply and detects all the recoverable information. Print option provides the facility to print report of all recovered data like your text message and contact numbers. This software provides full details about sim card like its provider and ICC –ID (identification number). It provides restoration of lost or corrupted text files due to virus infection in your mobile phone. Recovery is not possible if sim card is locked (due to unauthorized PIN code). Software ensures recovery even if your inbox, outbox, draft and sent items messages and phone numbers are invisible or unreadable. It fetches recently erased call list.Download the software at-

Hack for Make FREE Calls.

ES it is possible for you to make free phone calls both from your & PC. Login to ; complete the sign up process. Once you get registered then you can make free calls from your mobile or even via web.... For making free phone calls from your mobile download the Minowireless software on your mobile either from their Website or from After installing the software, activate it by entering the PIN no. given to you at the time of registration. And now you can make free calls from your mobile.

How to make your application run when windows loads

Ok this one isn't to hard, you just need to learn how to use the registry API functions... I'm not going to go over what the windows registry is, if you don't know i advise you google it Wink.

In the registry there is a (path)key that windows reads, in that key is a list of sub-keys, there values contain file paths which are executed when windows loads, so in order to make our server load on startup we just need to add a sub-key into this key containing the path to our server, make sense Wink.

In order to do this the first thing we need to do is declare an object to hold data for subsequent calls to the registry functions.

// this is the object were use for subsequent registry function calls...
HKEY key1;

Secondly we need to open the Registry path(key) that contains the list of programs that will startup, this being "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun".
Ok this is the code we use to open that registry path(key)

RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // the root key we want to open
"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", // that path(key) we want to open
0, // dont worry about this one, we just leave it null(0)
KEY_SET_VALUE, // the access right we wwant when opening the key
&key1); // our registry object we created ealier, were need for subsequent calls

Ok now we've opened the registry key, we need to create a value in it that contains the full path to our server.

RegSetValueEx(key1, // the registry object we used in the call to RegOpenKeyEx(...)
"Name-Of-Key-To-Create", // the name of the key that will be created
0, // we dont need to use this so we leave it null
REG_SZ, // the type of key were creating, it will hold the path to our server so its a string value
(const unsigned char*)"path to our server", // the value of the key were creating
strlen("path to our server")); // number of letters used in the value of our key

Now all we need to do is close the key we opened and were done Very Happy,
this is simple, code below:

RegCloseKey(key1); // close the key we opened ealier...

Ok i've gone through what we need to do and what functions we need to do to it, but there's one thing i hate, and thats when some ends a tut here, without showing what the finished version would look like... so here's what it should look like if you've done everything correct :D.

int main()
HKEY key1;
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run",0,KEY_SET_VALUE, &key1);
RegSetValueEx(key1, "key-name",0,REG_SZ,(const unsigned char*)"path to my server",strlen("path to my server"));

return 0;

and there ya have it, a simple method to make your server run on startup Wink. If you can think of any ways to improve this tutorial let me know Wink, hopefully your learned something from this tut Smile, any questions just reply and ill be happy to answer them, peace out, KOrUPt.

Download Updated Windows PowerShell 2.0 for XP SP3

Microsoft has updated Windows PowerShell 1.0 for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 and made new English-language installation packages available for download as of June 23, 2008.

Designed to integrate with Windows Server 2003 SP1, SP2 and R2 (x86, x64 and Itanium-based) along with Windows XP SP2 (both the 32-bit and 64-bit editions) and SP3 (only 32-bit), the updated release of Windows PowerShell 1.0 does not target Microsoft's latest Windows client. Windows Vista SP1 is ignored with the latest variant of Windows Power Shell available since January 30, 2007, the day that Microsoft also made available Vista RTM. "Windows PowerShell is a new command-line shell and scripting language designed for system administration and automation. Built on the .NET Framework, Windows PowerShell enables IT professionals and developers control and automate the administration of Windows and applications," Microsoft informed in the product's description. "Windows PowerShell includes more than 130 command-line tools (called 'cmdlets') for performing common system administration tasks, such as managing services, processes, event logs, certificates, the registry, and using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)." Users should bear in mind that the downloads contain just the English-language installation packages for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, and not any localized versions or the multilingual packs. Microsoft is currently hard at work on the successor of Windows PowerShell 1.0, namely version 2.0 which has only reached the stage of the second Community Technology Preview so far. At the bottom of this article, you will also find an embedded video containing tips and tricks of PowerShell, courtesy of Ben Pearce, a Premiere Field Engineer. Download: Windows PowerShell 1.0 for XP (link 1)

How to hide the files and folder from registry editor

To hide the files and folder for ur privacy, they can be hidden from registry editor
> go to run & type "regedit"
> go to SOFTWARE
> go to Microsoft
> go to Windows
> go to CurrentVersion
> go to Explorer
> go to Advanced
> go to Folder
> go to Hidden
> go to SHOWALL
> then, doubleclick on the DefaultValue & in the Value data, change the value into 0 from 1
> then open the explorer n go to folder options
> after that, switch on the do not show hidden files and folder check box
> by doing like that, ur files n folders (those file/folder must b hide earlier) are hidden even if u switch on the show hidden files and folder check box
> to show those hidden files n folders, in the regedit, just change this value into 1

ALL Shortcuts

 These are the shortcuts i got from my frien and i want to share it with you all these r very usefull see this.

Accessibility Controls : access.cpl

Add Hardware Wizard : hdwwiz.cpl

Add/Remove Programs : appwiz.cpl

Administrative Tools : control admintools

Automatic Updates : wuaucpl.cpl

Bluetooth Transfer Wizard : fsquirt

Calculator : calc

Certificate Manager : certmgr.msc

Character Map : charmap

Check Disk Utility : chkdsk

Clipboard Viewer : clipbrd

Command Prompt : cmd

Component Services : dcomcnfg

Computer Management : compmgmt.msc

Date and Time Properties : timedate.cpl

DDE Shares : ddeshare

Device Manager : devmgmt.msc

Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* : directx.cpl

Direct X Troubleshooter : dxdiag

Disk Cleanup Utility : cleanmgr

Disk Defragment : dfrg.msc

Disk Management : diskmgmt.msc

Disk Partition Manager : diskpart

Display Properties : control desktop

Display Properties : desk.cpl


I got this shortcuts from my friend and it is very usefull for daily internet surfers.
And daily computer users also . It is very usefull but you use only some features that you know
about it.

Run Commands
compmgmt.msc - Computer management
devmgmt.msc - Device manager
diskmgmt.msc - Disk management
dfrg.msc - Disk defrag
eventvwr.msc - Event viewer
fsmgmt.msc - Shared folders
gpedit.msc - Group policies
lusrmgr.msc - Local users and groups
perfmon.msc - Performance monitor
rsop.msc - Resultant set of policies
secpol.msc - Local security settings
services.msc - Various Services
msconfig - System Configuration Utility
regedit - Registry Editor
msinfo32 _ System Information
sysedit _ System Edit
win.ini _ windows loading information(also system.ini)
winver _ Shows current version of windows
mailto: _ Opens default email client
command _ Opens command prompt

Run Commands to access the control panel
Add/Remove Programs control appwiz.cpl
Date/Time Properties control timedate.cpl
Display Properties control desk.cpl
FindFast control findfast.cpl
Fonts Folder control fonts
Internet Properties control inetcpl.cpl
Keyboard Properties control main.cpl keyboard
Mouse Properties control main.cpl
Multimedia Properties control mmsys.cpl
Network Properties control netcpl.cpl
Password Properties control password.cpl
Printers Folder control printers
Sound Properties control mmsys.cpl sounds
System Properties control sysdm.cpl


I got this information from my friend i am providing this information to you .
I.P Address scheme .
I would like to provide all the information to you .
I will provide in other posts in future.
Total I.P address scheme is divided into 5 classes
are used in LAN AND WAN
CLASS D is used for Multicasting
CLASS E is used for Research and development.

Range of I.P Addresses
CLASS A --------------------->
CLASS B -------------------->
CLASS C --------------------->
CLASS D --------------------->
CLASS E -------------------- >

Resume MAking Tips

I got this from my friend , this is very usefull.
follow these tips to build your resume and get a good impression on seeing you resume.


Build Your Resume
Not only is your resumé the first thing an employer sees, it is what the employer will use to decide whether you move on to the next stage of the employment process. Make your first impression count.
Tailoring Your Resume To The Job
An effective resumé describes your education and experience that specifically relate to the job you are applying for. Your resumé is a written snapshot that should clearly support your career goal and be tailored to the particular position for which you are applying.
Have a specific job in mind when you are creating your resumé. Analyze job descriptions for the skills and abilities that employers are seeking. Read through descriptions, highlight the required skills, attributes and qualifications. Address three or four main areas in your resumé.
Assessing Your Skills & Accomplishments
Take some time to think about your accomplishments and create a list: things that you did well, enjoyed doing, and were proud of. Include education/training, volunteer opportunities, jobs, projects, school assignments, travel, and group/team activities. Describe in detail what you did, why you did it, who you did it with, what equipment you used, and what happened. Quantify your results, if possible, and use commonly understood terminology. Identify the personal strengths and skills that you use to achieve your accomplishments. Don't be humble; this is your chance to promote your skills and abilities.
Writing Your Resume
When asked what is most desirable in a job applicant, employers inevitably mention communication skills, rather than the number of years of industry experience an applicant has, the college from which he or she graduated, or even the company for which he or she last worked. Your ability to write correctly will influence your ability to get a job.
Being able to write well means you will present yourself better in your resumé and cover letter. You will be able to speak with confidence and will handle yourself better during interviews. Your thank you letters and follow-up correspondence will impress employers.
While composing your resume, write descriptive phrases. Write short phrases that describe what you did and illustrate each skill. Be concise and specific. Arrange the descriptive phrases in order of relevance to the position for which you are applying

Windowsxp Shortcuts

I got this shortcuts from my friend and it is very usefull for daily internet surfers.
And daily computer users also . It is very usefull but, you use only some features that you know
about it.

Windows XP Shortcuts
ALT+- (ALT+hyphen) Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window's System menu
ALT+ENTER View properties for the selected item
ALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order they were opened
ALT+F4 Close the active item, or quit the active program
ALT+SPACEBAR Display the System menu for the active window
ALT+TAB Switch between open items
ALT+Underlined letter Display the corresponding menu
BACKSPACE View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer
CTRL+A Select all
CTRL+I Italics
CTRL+O Open an item
CTRL+U Underline
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+F4 Close the active document
CTRL while dragging Copy selected item
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging Create shortcut to selected iteM
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL+UP ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
SHIFT+DELETE Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin
ESC Cancel the current task
F1 Displays Help
F2 Rename selected item
F3 Search for a file or folder
F4 Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer
F5 Refresh the active window
F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10 Activate the menu bar in the active program
SHIFT+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
CTRL+ESC Display the Start menu
SHIFT+CTRL+ESC Launches Task Manager
SHIFT when you insert a CD Prevent the CD from automatically playing
WIN Display or hide the Start menu
WIN+BREAK Display the System Properties dialog box
WIN+D Minimizes all Windows and shows the Desktop
WIN+E Open Windows Explorer
WIN+F Search for a file or folder
WIN+F+CTRL Search for computers
WIN+L Locks the desktop
WIN+M Minimize or restore all windows
WIN+R Open the Run dialog box
WIN+TAB Switch between open items

Windows Explorer Shortcuts

I got this shortcuts from my friend and it is very usefull for daily internet surfers.
And daily computer users also . It is very usefull but you use only some features that you know
about it.
Windows Explorer Shortcuts
ALT+SPACEBAR - Display the current window’s system menu
SHIFT+F10 - Display the item's context menu
CTRL+ESC - Display the Start menu
ALT+TAB - Switch to the window you last used
ALT+F4 - Close the current window or quit
CTRL+A - Select all items
CTRL+X - Cut selected item(s)
CTRL+C - Copy selected item(s)
CTRL+V - Paste item(s)
CTRL+Z - Undo last action
CTRL+(+) - Automatically resize the columns in the right hand pane
TAB - Move forward through options
ALT+RIGHT ARROW - Move forward to a previous view
ALT+LEFT ARROW - Move backward to a previous view
SHIFT+DELETE - Delete an item immediately
BACKSPACE - View the folder one level up
ALT+ENTER - View an item’s properties
F10 - Activate the menu bar in programs
F6 - Switch between left and right panes
F5 - Refresh window contents
F3 - Display Find application
F2 - Rename selected item

Making A file of the size you want

How to make a file of the size you want ?
Let us assume you want to make a file of size 10000kb
Convert it to bytes -> 10000*1024 which comes out to be 10240000 bytes

Open calculator (win key+r -> type in calc )
Choose view mode to be Scientific one
Type in 10240000 and convert it to hex it comes out to be 9C4000
Convert this value to 8 digits by padding zeroes to its left -> so finally it comes out be 009C4000

Open Command Prompt (win key + r -> type in cmd )
Type DEBUG filename.dat
it'll show file not found error ,ignore it
Type RCX -> Enter -> then last four hexadecimal numbers i.e. 4000 ->Enter
Type RBX -> Enter -> then first four hexadecimal numbers i.e. 009C->Enter
Type W ->Enter
Type Q ->Enter

W stands for write and Q for quit

Now check the file you just made by dir command ->dir filename.dat

Using the same technique you can make files as big as you want

Here is an image to show how exactly everything can be done

Another simpler method by Prash2488

try this command on cmd
fsutil file createnew [path]{e.g.:-F:new foldervirus.txt} [SizeInBytes]then press enter:

Search Results


Stop using chemical based Insecticides to kill mosquitoes, because you might kill yourself.

Download these Anti Mosquito software to repel those annoying insects and be safer & greener

How does it work?
Dragonflies are the mortal enemy for mosquitoes and in flight they generate sound frequencies (approximately) between 67 Hz and 45 Hz, depending on their sizes.

56 Hz is a good average number in between those frequencies. Your PC sound card and speakers will work well for this purpose. There are many sound and tone generator programs available on the internet for both the Mac and Windows PC. Setup your computer with the sound/tone generator program running and then play the sound through your computer speakers. The speakers can be aimed directionally for complete room coverage.

The sound level on the speakers should be adjusted so it is barely audible. This arrangement can be setup in a bedroom where you would like to have the window open but are worried about mosquitoes. One speaker should be fairly close to where you are sleeping.

Here are some links to more advanced tone generator software which can actually sweep between the 45 Hz and 67 Hz frequencies:

Lock Your Drives and Folders

There are plenty of software which locks drives and folder to protect your confidential data. Why waste money on such tools when you can do it with a simple registry tweak? Here’s how:
Caution: Before you attempt these tweaks, please make sure that you have a backup of your registry, just incase something goes wrong in the middle.

Locking Folders:

  • Consider you want to lock a folder named XXXX in your E:\, whose path is E:\XXXX.
  • Now open the Notepad and type the following
[code]ren xxxx xxxx.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}[/code]

  • Where xxxx is your folder name. Save the text file as loc.bat in the same drive.
  • Open another new notepad text file and type the following
[code]ren xxxx.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} xxxx[/code]
  • Save the text file as key.bat in the same drive.
Steps to lock the folder:
  • To lock the xxxx folder, simply click the loc.bat and it will transform into control panel icon which is inaccessible.
  • To unlock the folder click the key.bat file. Thus the folder will be unlocked and the contents are accessible.

Locking Drives:

We don’t usually prefer to lock our drives, but sometimes it becomes nesscary. Say for instance you might have stored your office documents in D:\ and you don’t want your kids to access it, in such case this technique can be useful for you. Please don’t try this tweak with your root drive (usually C:\ is the root drive) since root drives are not intended to be locked because they are mandatory for the system and application programs.
  • Start & Run and type Regedit to open Registry editor
  • Browse HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • Create a new DWORD value NoViewOnDrive and set its value as
2^ (Alpha Number of Drive Letter-1) where Alpha number are simple counting of alphabets from A to Z as 1 - 26
For example: to lock C:\, Alpha number of C is 3 so 2^ (3-1) = 4 (decimal value)
  • To lock more drives, calculate the value of each drive and then set sum of those numbers as value
  • To unlock your drive just delete the key from the registry.

23 hidden windows apps

To run any of these apps go to Start > Run and type the executable name:

1) Character Map = charmap.exe (very useful for finding unusual characters)

2) Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe

3) Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe (views contents of Windows clipboard)

4) Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe (Troubleshooting tool)

5) DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe (Diagnose & test DirectX, video & sound cards)

6) Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (allows creation or modification of characters)

7) IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe (Create self-extracting / self-installing package)

8 Mcft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (appears to allow synchronization of files on the network for when working offline. Apparently undocumented).

9) Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).

10) ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)

11) Object Packager = packager.exe (to do with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).

12) System Monitor = perfmon.exe (very useful, highly configurable tool, tells you everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )

13) Program Manager = progman.exe (Legacy Windows 3.x desktop shell).

14) Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is virtually non-existant).

15) Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).

16) Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe (creates shared folders on network).

17) File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe

18 Volume Contro = sndvol32.exe (I've included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).

19) System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in Win98! ).

20) Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database - use with care, it's virtually undocumented but it appears to encrypt all passwords, I'm not sure of the full implications).

21) Mcft Telnet Client = telnet.exe

22) Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe (seems to be a utility for monitoring the actions of drivers, might be useful for people having driver problems. Undocumented).

23) Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe (appears to be an old NT utility to allow chat sessions over a LAN, help files available).

Note:- Some of them might not run in Windows XP Home edition

Save Windows XP Updates on PC

You often have to download windows updates again and again if your computers gets formatted.So,here is a tut to help you save you Windows XP Updates so that you don't have to download it each and every time you format you computer

1.Go to the Windows Update web site.

2.In the left pane, under Other Options,select “Personalize Windows Update”.

3.Under “Set Options for Windows Update”, select the check box for “Display the Link to Windows Update Catalog under ‘See Also’”, then click “Save Settings”.

4.Go back to the Windows Update web site.

5.In the left pane, under “See Also”, select “Windows Update Catalog”.

6.Select “Find Updates for Microsoft Operating Systems”.

7.Select the operating system and language of your choice.

8.Select “Critical Updates and Service Packs”.

9.Select all of the patches you’d like to download, then click on “Go to download basket” to download them.

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