Saturday, 16 April 2011

Blogumus: Animated Label Cloud Widget For Blogger

(Update) Some changes have been made to the previous code. If you have been using the previous code and not being able to view the tag cloud, please replace the entire widget with the new code provided below.


Installing the widget:

In your Blogger Dashboard, go to Design > Edit HTML and search for the following line (remember to backup your template before editing):
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>

Paste this code immediately after the above line
<b:widget id='Label99' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<div id='flashcontent'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so = new SWFObject("", "tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
so.addVariable("mode", "tags");
so.addVariable("distr", "true");
so.addVariable("tspeed", "100");
so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><></a></b:loop></tags>");
so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
Preview the template and you should see the Blogumus on your sidebar. Save your template. You can now adjust the widget's position in Design > Page Elements.

Important Note:

Do not use the apostrophe or quote character (' or ") in your Labels or the widgetwill stop working.

Customizing Blogumus:

"tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
background color
so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
text color
so.addVariable("tspeed", "100");
rotation speed
values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'>

Get Free Targetes Traffic

Digg is a popular social bookmarking website. Its cornerstone function consisted of letting people vote stories up or down, called digging and burying, respectively. Digg's former popularity prompted the creation of other social networking sites with story submission and voting systems.


You can get targeted traffic by using digg. Suppose you have a blog post, that you want to promote. Now, you have to do following instructions.

1. Do your research on the post and found two long keyword that has highly value in search engine.
2. Now, go to the digg and submit your post. Put one keyword in title and other in description.
3. That's It. Wait and see the magic.

An hour later, search your keyword and i hope you will see your website/blog in the first page in any search engine. If your keyword is competitive, then check second or third page.

Make Auto Redirect From Your Old Site To New Site

Suppose was your old websiteBut now you register a TK domain is and replace old to new. At that moment what should you do?
Yes, Some people will make a notice board on home page of old site by HTML. Now a days it is easier for us by using javascript. I give both HTML and Javascript.

Old style:
<title>We have moved</title>
<h1>We have moved</h1>
<p>please go to <a href=""></a> or <a href="">click here </a></p>

New style:
<body onload="window.location.href=''">

NOTE: Replace your URL to the red color.

How To Get Many Backlinks

Commenting on high PR blogs can get you some real backlink juice if done correctly.
Some spam comments like the following:

“thanks a lot for your valuable sharing, right from the beginning till end it was really very informative”
“I cannot agree on everything you say in this article, but perhaps I missed some of the points you were trying to make…”
By the way this last comment if searched in google with quotes will return 1180 results. These kind of comments they may pass the moderation but google is starting to crack on them because they are just all over the place and you may not get any credit for it.

This is the reason I choose to share my methods on commenting on any blog any subject like an expert on whatever conversation. and Google or any search engine will find mycomment more relevant than even some non-spammers comments.

1. Go to the blog you are interested in commenting on
There is a lot of lists shared here in this wonderful forum
2. Copy the content of the post
3. Go to and paste it in the box and hit “Analyze the text”
4. You will get the most (used) relevant keywords in that post.

Copy some of the keywords and do [control+F] to find those keywords in the post, and scan to find a sentence that includes 2 0r 3 of them. Then rewrite that sentence, maybe combine it with another sentence, then add a little twist to it and you are good to go.

I used this method with great success and made comments in a lot of blogs and forums even in subjects that I have no knowledge in. and always got good results.

Every About Google Adsense

What is Google AdSense

Google AdSense is an advertising site that allows the website owners to earn from their website by publishing text, image and video ads. These ads are administered by Google Inc. and generate revenue for each click or per impression. Then Google pays the publishers, acertain percentage of what the advertiser (Google AdWords) customers are paying Google for those ads.

Google AdSense Ads Types

Currently Google AdSense support following types ads:
  • Content Ads
  • Domain Ads
  • Feed Ads
  • Mobile Content Ads
  • Search Ads

How Much Can You Earn From AdSense

Suppose your website/blog has almost 500,000 page impressions per month with %5 CTR. If value of per click is $0.20, then it is possible to earn $5,000 per month. It can be less or higher according your website traffic and contents (because high paying ads will appear according your site contents).

Requirements Of Applying For Google AdSense Account

You have to take care about the requirements for Google AdSense.

  • Your age should be more than 18 years. If you are less than 18 then see this AdSense Support link. Click here.
  • Should have a valid e-mail address
  • Must be provide correct mailing address
  • Should be high quality domain name (.com, .net, .org) [Exam:]
  • Should not sub-domain [Exam. http//]
  • Domain age should be more than 6 months (mostly for India, China)
  • Should not banned before from Google AdSense
  • Enough amount of good contents
  • Contents should be fresh (not copy from other blog or site)
  • Should not any adult contents
  • Should be index in Google Search engine
  • Should have 30-50 unique daily visitors
  • Try to built few backlinks
  • Do not write any black hat techniques
  • Avoid writing anything negative about AdSense
  • Should not pop-up or pop-ups ads
  • Write Privacy Policy page

Banned Contents By Adsense

Google Adsense didn't approve if your page have contents that Adsense didn't allow. This called Banned contents. These are-
  • Pornography, adult content
  • Hacking content
  • Cracking content
  • Excessive profanity
  • Violence, radial intolerance or advocate against any individual, groups or organization
  • Illegal drag information content
  • Content that promote people to do illegal work
  • Seal promotion for any drag etc.

How To Apply For Google AdSense Account

1. For applying Google AdSense account goes their home page []
2. Now click on “Sign Up Now
3. Fill the requirements and submit

That’s it. Now, wait 10-15 days for reply. I hope you they will approve. If they reject then follow the following links for quick and easy technique to get approved from Google AdSense.

Boost Twitter Followers

Today, Twitter is one of the most popular social networking siteTwitter has become one of the greatest and cool and also an effectual ways to stay connected with your relativesand friendsTwitter is also known as social community and microblogging site that will helps to send tweets. If you don’t have a twitter account, then you should sign up now intwitter to enjoy this great social networking site!


Now question is how to increase twitter followers very quickly??

It’s really easy and simple. Just follow the following 17 people in Twitter and you’ll get hugefollowers very quickly. Definitely, not these 17 people follow you in return but theirfollowers.
  1. BarackObama – 6,739,550 Followers
  2. TheOnion – 2,618,987 Followers
  3. DowningStreet – 59,162 Followers
  4. Starbucks – 1,285,687 Followers
  5. GuyKawasaki – 312,860 Followers
  6. Astronautics – 95,191 Followers
  7. Nansen – 271,413 Followers
  8. WBAustin – 99,873 Followers
  9. Scobleizer – 165,651 Followers
  10. RobMcNealy – 189,053 Followers
  11. CaseyWright – 122,015 Followers
  12. BigRichB – 101,939 Followers
  13. MichaeMillman – 119,319 Followers
  14. Zaibatsu – 115,056 Followers
  15. PerryBelcher - 6,777 Follower
  16. AlohaArleen – 86,455 Followers
  17. TheBusyBrain – 72,296 Followers
I hope you will like this.


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Watch Live TV on Your PC For Free

Now you can watch free Tv on your pc by just using a VLC player. So lets keep it short, just follow the steps given below to watch free tv on pc.
Step 1 : First of all you need to have VLC player, if you don’t have vlc player kindly download it from here.  After Downloading the vlc player, install it.
Step 2 : Now open Vlc Player, and select streaming option from the media menu present in the menu bar.
Steaming in vlc player
Step 3 : Select network option and enter the url of the streaming channel. For example if you want to view Aaj Tak you need to add url rtsp:// in the url field and den select play option from the stream drop down menu.
play a channel
Step 4 : After you click play in the above step, the channel will start streaming and you can watch your favorite channels.
watch free tv on pc
Here is the List of many other channels which you can watch in the similar way :
Channel NameLink
Aaj Takrtsp://
CNBC Aawazrtsp://
CNBC TV 18rtsp://
Headlines Todayrtsp://
NDTV 24×7rtsp://
NDTV Profitrtsp://
Times Nowrtsp://
NK Newsrtsp://
RAJ Newsrtsp://
Studio Nrtsp://
Zee Tamilrtsp://
Zee Kannadrtsp://
Zee Banglartsp://
Music Boxrtsp://
Zoo Visionrtsp://
B4u Musicrtsp://
Clubbing Tvrtsp://
Bella Tvrtsp://
Fashion Tvrtsp://


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